Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding Someone to Mentor

I attended the American Society of Human Genetic meeting and I was very impressed by a speaker, a female soon-to-graduate PhD student. She reminded a bit of myself at that age, so I took the initiative to sit next to her at the luncheon. We chatted about science mostly, but I told her if she ever needed to talk about deciding career paths, balancing family and life, she could contact me. She looked like having babies was the farthest thing from her mind, but I hope when she does, she will still have my email address.

I also discovered online that my alma mater had a Life Sciences Graduate Student Union that hosts career seminars and receptions. I contacted them and offered my services. I am looking forward to the career and networking reception I was invited to. I am also a mentor for Youth-in-Motion, a non-profit mentoring organization.

I remember when I was grad student, I loved attending and listening to what my "seniors" had to say. I also contacted my former department and gave a career/life discussion. I am happy to have received great feedback and been invited back. If I could shed some light on career options for any of these newly graduated scientists of the next generation, I'll be happy.

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